Alices Opening Analysis
Donnie Darko
The opening of Donnie Darko begins with credits in a contrasting Gothic white writing laid on a dark gloomy black background.Accompanied by these credits is the sound of thunder rumbling, which sets an uneasy and unsettling sensation/mood on the audience.This already hints to the genre of the movie, obviously no comedy.A dark shadowy establishing shot sets the scene of mountains which leads to the road,making the audience ask questions where does this road lead to, and slowly making the audience more involved.The Camera then focus' on a main shot slowly zooming towards the person on the floor in the middle of the road.The shots are naturalistic,staying with the slow theme unfolding slowly more details and more questions.A point of view gives the feeling of haziness and wonder that maybe this person feels waking up in the middle of the road,almost as if still dreaming.
...Ongoing not finished yet
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